Permanent Hair Removal in Lahore

Permanent Hair Removal in Lahore

Permanent hair removal in Lahore or anywhere else is a bit of a stretch, as no treatment till date can permanently rid the body of unwanted hair for as long as it lives. Instead of labelling it as permanent hair removal in Lahore, it ought to be labelled as permanent hair reduction in Lahore as hormones majorly drive hair growth and the change in hormonal balance can lead to hair follicles’ stimulation, resulting in the growth of new hair. That said, the three best means of achieving semi-permanent hair removal in Lahore at London Aesthetics UK are:

  1. Electrolysis:

Electrolysis is performed by a technician by applying radio frequencies short in wave through needles into hair follicles for their destruction. Hair is then removed using tweezers. Electrolysis can be performed on nearly any body type by a technician. The procedure can be time-consuming but effective; unlike laser hair removal, electrolysis can work equally well for hair that is light in pigment and other hair types, and can be more painful too. Electrolysis is considered a means of permanent hair removal in Lahore as the overall results are the best, which means that it can rid hair for time periods ranging from long periods to even a lifetime.

Multiple electrolysis sessions are required for desired effects to be achieved due to the cycle of hair growth and London Aesthetics UK is here for all of them! Depending on the present amount of hair, the person’s sensitivity and the body area, the electrolysis session number varies. Once all the specified area’s hair is removed by the technician, no additional appointments will be required by the person. It is worth mentioning that not everyone can experience the permanence of hair removal through electrolysis until they get to try it. Nevertheless, this is your best bet at never having unwanted hair in the area you target for the treatment.


Side Effects:

It is possible for a person to experience irritation, redness or stinging at the hair removal site after sessions of electrolysis. Excessive scar tissue or infection around the site also has the possibility to be developed but in rare cases.


  1. Laser Hair Removal:

Laser hair removal destroys the follicles of hair with its high-heat laser usage. This procedure can be used by a technician anywhere but the area encompassing the eyes. The first session entails 10-25% hair reduction in a person. The hair regrowth tends to be thinner in width and lighter in pigment than before. The hair doesn’t return ranging from months to years once its growth has stopped. Unlike electrolysis, it is a safer option for many but this procedure works best for coarse and dark hair, and ineffective for red, gray or light hair.

Multiple and consistent sessions are required for laser hair removal in order to reduce the target body area’s hair. These sessions take place in intervals from four weeks to six weeks. Consistency is key, which is precisely the intention at London Aesthetics UK; otherwise, short duration results are observed when the sessions are inconsistent.  Hair regrowth, be it may finer or reduced than before, is possible regardless. About four high quality system sessions on light skin pigments can achieve 80% hair reduction on average. The treatment’s full course can entail results lasting for years, making hair regrowth in conditions of changes in hormonal balance. You cannot undergo laser hair removal if you have certain medical conditions, have gotten sun exposure, are on Acutane, are breastfeeding or are pregnant.


Side Effects:

It can lead to pain or discomfort during the process if the technician is not properly experienced. After the process, skin can be irritated or become red for some days. The hair removal site can rarely have scars or blisters occurred. The skin can temporarily become light-sensitive.


  1. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL):

IPL delivers a broad-spectrum, visible and intense light pulse using a controlled hand-piece of high power. Only the anagen hair phase – the cycle of active growth – is affected by this method. This necessitates the treatment’s series for permanent hair growth reduction for which London Aesthetics UK is here. Treatment intervals are different for different body areas and overall shorter. They range from eight to twelve weeks for areas other than underarms which takes ranging from four to six weeks. Ideally, dark-haired and light-skinned individuals should undergo this treatment.


Side Effects:

The common side effects include swelling and redness, and the rare side effects include scarring and pigmentation.